Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Hihihi..dah lama tak apdet. Seme sebabkn tangan gatal click button "Change to beta-blogger". Ha..seminggu eden tak leh apdet " BLOG IS CURRENTLY MOVING".

Sebenarnya, tatau nak apdet ape tapi nk gak tulis2. Jadi saya ingin mempersembahkan satu hasil keboringan ku ahad lepas.Yg penting blog telah tertulis penuh hehehehe ^v^

**Answers are red **

Just how cool ARE you?
Are you a nerd or are you as cool as they come? Find out now!

Pick a tv show:

Entertainment Tonight
The News
Queer eye for the straight guy
The Simpsons

Which book would you read?

A Clockwork Orange
Harry Potter
Who reads books?
GQ / Cleo

You see a kid getting picked on - you:

Tell the bully not to be such an ass.
Laugh from a distance
Kick the bully's ass
Cringe and go tell a teacher
Egg on the bully

A party is going to go on past your curfew. You:

Stay all night - PARTY HARD!
Sneak back home an hour late
Call your parents and give a lame excuse
Go home to avoid trouble
Invent a story about helping a stranger

What Car would you drive?

Hummer H2
Mini (old version)
VW Beetle

How many friends do you have?


What did you think of this quiz?

Funny but dumb
Alright I guess

You are Super-Cool!
Woah! Step back - the future's so bright for you it's blinding me! You are the coolest of the cool. Everyone looks up to you as the benchmark for being coooool. The fonze was your grandfather. Any cooler and you'd freeze! WOO it's chilly in here.
**bila agaknya cpu org tu nak siap ek...boring Ol takda teman huhuhu..**


At Sunday, November 26, 2006 9:34:00 PM , Blogger Jeketbiru said...

windu sama gue kah? ahahaha..
next week kita ber ym sampai pengsan,ahaks


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