Thursday, January 25, 2007

Hibbu ka....

Title di atas is in Arabic language whereby its mean mencintai kamu. Kalo blogger leh tulis2 ngan tangan, boleh la tunjukkan versi jawi plak. Why i chose this word as an entry tonite? Well, it is too abstract to be explained, maybe peka sangat dengan apa yg jadik di sekeliling saya sendiri.

Betulkah cintakan seseorang perlukan pengorbanan?
Betulkah cintakan sesorang perlukan pemahaman?
Betulkah cintakan seseorang perlukan tarikan?
Betulkah cintakan seseorang perlukan fikiran yanga waras?

ermmm...bagi saya mmg perlukan kesemunya. Mungkin tak cukup, tapi yg paling penting sekali satu ja -I.K.H.L.A.S- We'll know if a person sincere enuff, if he is not ; Allah will tell us in His magic way eventually. Tapi sebagai manusia kita kena bersabar & brave enough to overcome this hiccups. Allah know what's the best for u k...

No matter how bad it hurts u, U hv to live for today, tomorrow & future. U can't live for yesterday, day before yesterday or for last 3 years!

:: Status ari ni : Bad day & sad day ::


At Thursday, January 25, 2007 2:57:00 PM , Blogger penpilot said...


this entry dedicatd to u & to all of those felt hindered...


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