Sunday, September 9, 2007

When saly met pak taufik!

As u all know, me & the frenz went to watch Bintang Klasik nusantara last nite. Hahaha...guess who did i met there? Inilah dia orang yang ku tunggu selama seminggu ahaks, siap mintak half day lagi ngan boss OK! *wink* Camno? Cukup tinggi dan handsome aite..Picture above was like candid camera (saya mau tergelak sebab nervous plus teruja), but dont worry ada lagi photo yang cantik. Need sumtime to download, maybe next week i'll download the rest. Most of the pic taken by my camera phone tak clear sangat, too far frm the stage. Huhuhu..seme sebab lambat sampai.

Aktelly, i dah planned nak kuar awal frm home. Tengah siap2, osmet call suruh tunggu coz dia tatau nak parking kat ner. Around 8 baru kuar, jalan jem pulak. Sampai2 jer dah kul 8.35pm, panik gila carik tempat duduk. Seat penuh! Rasa macam mau nangis, takkan nak berdiri sampai abish. So..duduk jer la atas karpet, like we have no pass. Normal scenario happen if we went to rtm show. Musti tak cukup tempat, ada pass pun kena berdiri. Mana taknye, yang x der pas pon bole masuk. Well, no comment!

About the contestant for this show, waahh..seme bagus2! Voice Anis Salwa (malaysia) & Hariani (singapura) besh gila. Salute lah ama dorang sume yang bole nyanyi lagu klasik. Guest artist frm malaysia, brunei & singapore (ehem ehem..taufik batisah lor) pun marvellous. Saya amatlah saba menunggu turn taufik nyanyi. Lucky dpt tepi stage yg boleh nampak all guest artis getting ready nak nyanyi. When taufik punya turn sampai, I can saw he loosen up his muscle b4 he appeared on stage hahahaha. Lagu yang dia nyanyi tajuk Malam, i guess.

Just b4 the show ended, i told my frenz nak pegi tunggu Taufik kat bawah. Trying my luck only lah coz i nampak he & his malaysian rep. saying goodbye to sumone. Kuar je dari dewan and jalan laju2 (my osmet pun tak leh kejar) smpai kat main entrance. Tunggu kat depan pintu, suddenly saya nampak dia. Pas tu terus stunned, my osmet siap suruh pergi la kat sana kalo nak take pic wif him. Hahaha..silly me! So terus pergi & waited coz there was a family tok pic wif him.

Tanpa ragu2 lagi trus tanya, 'Taufik, can i take pic wif u?' He said, 'yeah sure2'. So posing sakan utk 2 kamera walaweh. After that, in front him i asked my osmet. 'Cantik tak gambar saspen?' Taufik tanya jugak 'Cantik tak gambar saspen?' But kami kan gadis sopan, just gelak2 jer. Then i looked at him & smile malu2 kucing, aktelly i nak tanya dia dok kat kl brape ari tapi tak tercakap. Dia pun segan jugak i guess*wink*. In the end, teka lah ape yg terkeluar dari mulut saya 'I'm Saly', he answered 'Taufik', then me & him shaking hands! Rasa mcm takmo basuh jer tangan semalam*grin*.

Hahaha....panjang giler entry neh! Well that is the storylah---> when saly met pak taufik batisah at pwtc *by the way, me still dreaming ahaks*

:: Lurve his grey suit lalalala.... ::


At Sunday, September 09, 2007 12:02:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

aaarghhhh tidaaakkkkk!!!!..
beb i jeles neh!!..
ahaha..aiyarkkk hencem nye i dapat banyakan kekalutan u tu.. :D

At Sunday, September 09, 2007 12:03:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oppss..bayangkan kekalutan..typo error..sigh

At Sunday, September 09, 2007 5:22:00 PM , Blogger penpilot said...

hahaha....i nervous tapi coool ;)

tinggi giler dia dow! Jrg lor jumpak malay guy tinggi cam gitu. Ckp kena dongak ekeke!

At Sunday, September 09, 2007 9:56:00 PM , Blogger Jeketbiru said...

hehe..taufik..taufik..keranamu ada orang sanggup pi amik pass masuk pertandingan bintang klasik nusantara...hehehe
agaknye kalau dia guest artist utk pertandingan pancaragan kombo rtm pon sure ade org teruja amik pass masuk, ahahahaha:P

At Sunday, September 09, 2007 10:27:00 PM , Blogger penpilot said...

hahaha...kalo taufik ke jakarta pun gue sanggup donk! tapi org tuh kena pegi juga jd escort gue! :p

At Monday, September 10, 2007 9:21:00 AM , Blogger Nurul said...

saly!!! im sooo jealous ok! haha!
why u never hug him eh?
menyesal nye x ikut u!!!!!
but then nanti tak sampai gi fiknatic picnic pulak.
hey next time taufik in kl dun forget to ajak me ok =)

At Monday, September 10, 2007 9:25:00 AM , Blogger Nurul said...

ohh and i have to say this.
he`s so hot. hotness!!
nasib baik dapat tgk him he day after hehe.

At Monday, September 10, 2007 10:17:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is hot...hahaha! Segan la nak hug dia, nnti dia malu trus cannot communicate wif him ;)

Of course i will ask u to join, if other ficknatis nak join also invited. u went to sinar lebaran at suria? sooo..taufik wore baju melayu?

At Monday, September 10, 2007 11:25:00 AM , Blogger Nurul said...

ahaha. rugi le kalau malu =p

yah went to sinar lebaran. he sang teman istimewa, wearing blue not-realli-baju-melayu. then he sang lagu raya with other artistes, this time he`s wearing red bj melayu with songkok & samping (samping issit?) iloike!!!

i bought the $15 tix so didnt get chance to meet him at the post event party.

must wait until hari raya & hoping that someone will upload the show. coz i`ll be in perak during raya. heee.

At Monday, September 10, 2007 11:55:00 AM , Blogger penpilot said...

I mmg pemalu orgnyer ahaks!

wouh, luvre guy in baju melayu. they will look so naive & innocent ;)

They hv post event party summore? So good! Wish I can be there*dreaming*

At Monday, September 10, 2007 12:44:00 PM , Blogger Nurul said...

yes saly dearie! like hari raya, makan-makan. haha.

and guy in baju melayu? *melt*


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