Monday, December 4, 2006

1 Utama the joourney....hehehe

Quite long time tak melepaking there. So,yesterday pegi ala2 survivor plus bawak adik saya jalan2 sekali. Siap2 masak & my sis makan kenyang baru la kami bertolak ke 1U.

Master plan nak pegi kacau daun org ngedate.Hehehehe..sebenarnya special req frm Aida (one induction dolu2). Kesahnya dia takmo ngedate mamat neh, so kengkunun saya accidentially jumpa dia kat sana. But, plan tak jadi pon, cancel last minute coz misson leak hahaha....

Then, jumpa Aida kat burger king. Hang out sekejap pas tu decide nak tgk cite Happy Feet. But, seat dia mak aiih....ada ke suruh kami dok lain2 tompek. In the end, kami choose Red Kebaya. Best jugak cite but sad ending huhuhu...

If u guyz like winter sonata, bole pegi tgk cite ni *wink* Vanida cun gilak, mmg wanita melayu terakhir auww...Tapi, salute la kat diaorg neh coz all the main actor were stage actor & all of them were the REAL actor.

Then, journey goes on. Amy ajak pegi makan kat Damansara, rumahnya Izzah (amy besfren time stadi). Wooo...makan spagheti sama ngan coke. Finger licking good *grin*

**Emmm...hv the feeling wanna go Karambunai or Bali...sooo beautiful & romentik man. Luv is in the air!**


At Thursday, December 07, 2006 1:17:00 PM , Blogger Jeketbiru said...

karambunai? jum!..gwe Oke aja neh...(tp ade org cakap gie Aussie lagik BEST) ahahahahaha


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